If you are a frequent visitor to our site then you might have noticed some recent changes.

‘halal-friendliness data pending’
‘halal-friendliness data pending’

We now feature over 52,000 hotels in more than 50 countries on HalalBooking.com located in destinations around the world, from beach resorts to bustling cities; ski resorts to villas with private and secluded pools to wellness hotels with thermal springs.

Many of our loyal customers had told us that they were keen to have a greater choice of accommodation, especially closer to home, so we decided to find a way to do this. As a result, we still have the popular halal-friendly resorts you know and love, but we also have added many new hotels and apartments especially across Europe, which offer a varying degree of halal-friendliness.

“Halal-friendliness data pending”

If you see this message next to a hotel it means that we have only uploaded basic information about the hotel and its facilities. As a result, you will not be able to see yet full details of women-only facilities or whether the hotel has any alcohol-free areas, for example.

Hotel's halal-friendliness data is pending
Property's halal-friendliness data is pending

You can, however, still filter ALL of our accommodation by using our halal filters to separate out the attributes which are most important to you.

To do this, simply tick the relevant boxes.

Halal filters on HalalBooking.com
Halal filters on HalalBooking.com

The way that HalalBooking has been able to add so many new hotels has been to develop technologies which allow the mass launch of properties on our website. This bespoke technology augments the hotel’s standard content with HalalBooking’s halal-friendliness data offering unique information to our customers.

Once a property has been added, our focus is fully on checking and configuring the all-important halal-friendliness data, so you know which features meet your requirements for halal food, alcohol-free areas and beach pool and spa facilities, offering privacy for women.

Hotel's halal-friendliness data is available
Property's halal-friendliness data is available

We will gradually work our way through all of the new properties, adding more halal-friendliness information and checking images to make sure that there is nothing inappropriate, prioritising those which are proving most popular.

In the meantime, we set out what we do know about the hotel, so you can make an informed choice.

External Review Scores

You are, no doubt, used to seeing our HalalBooking review scores in their orange boxes. These are all provided by verified customers who have booked on HalalBooking.com and are, therefore, halal-conscious travellers.

Review score provided by verified HalalBooking customers
Review score provided by verified HalalBooking customers

Our newest properties, however, have not yet been visited by many of our own customers, so until we gather enough verified reviews ourselves, rather than leave you completely in the dark, we have added ‘external scores’. These are general review scores so although they do not have any bearing on whether or not you might consider the hotel to be halal-friendly, they reflect overall general standards at the hotels with regards to cleanliness, comfort, facilities, location etc..

Review score based on external reviews
Review score based on external website reviews

We value your feedback - what do you think of our new features?

Our ultimate goal is to display enough information on our platform for you to plan your next trip anywhere in the world. This includes providing halal-friendly features for each property, so that you can use our halal filters effectively and displaying customer reviews by halal-conscious travellers.

This will take some time and we appreciate your patience in the meantime. We do not claim that all properties listed on HalalBooking.com are halal-friendly. Our mission is to present the halal features of a property to enable you to make an informed choice. We would like to hear your opinion on the new changes we have implemented. Email us on info@halalbooking.com to tell us what you think.

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